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HMS Athletics

All 7th and 8th-grade athletes must have a completed physical and completed Rank One forms by 8/25 in order to remain in the Athletic period.

ALL physicals need to be in pdf format and emailed to Physicals can not be turned in to HMS coaches/ staff.


The BAND APP will be used as a way to communicate with parents about upcoming events, announcements, as well as reminders.  Please join by using the appropriate link below.

Boys Band Link 23-24

7/8 Girls Athletic Band

How-to link Rank One schedules to your Google Calendar 

Athletics Directory

There are no resources or collections to display
Football August - October
Cross Country August - October
Basketball October - February
Track & Field February - April
Golf March - May
Soccer April - May
Volleyball August - October
Cross Country August - October
Basketball October - February
Track & Field February - April
Golf March - May
Soccer April - May

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